Monday, September 22, 2008


Finally last week after a whole year of being in England I had the opportunity of going for a musical at a theatre here in Birmingham. It was something I was really looking forward to doing in England but unfortunately could never manage to find the company to make the trip.

One fine day just after dinner out of the blue Abu happened to be lamenting aloud about how he wanted to make a visit to the theatre before heading back to India. It took us all of the next ten minutes to book our tickets for the show of Mary Poppins playing at the Birmingham Hippodrome.

We were in for a total treat :). The live music, the choreography, the acting, the singing, the lighting were all absolutely fantastic. We were left spellbound for 90 minutes thoroughly enjoying every bit of the performance. With no retakes in the offing this was a perfect performance that sometimes gave me the feeling I was watching a movie

Every song was met with a thunderous applause and the end was met with a full five minute standing ovation.

A trip down to the theatres is something I would definitely recommend to everybody who comes down to England

Monday, August 18, 2008

Amarnath land row

The communal forces are at it again and Kashmir is in flames. The original issue being transfer of land to the Amarnath shrine board and now we are talking about Azad Kashmir and succession to Pakistan.

40 hectares of land have acted as a catalyst and triggered off a bloody outburst killing people and painting a very sorry picture of India among the international community especially at a time when our nuclear deal is about to be put to a vote at the NSG.

I do not understand what was the need to transfer land to a shrine board cant the government own the land and the shrine board just be concerned with the responsibility of setting up all the preparations for the yatra. What difference does it make if the land is owned by the shrine board or the govt. For the yatra to take place the ownership of the land is a real non issue, all a yatri will be concerned with are the facilities that are provided and how well the yatra is managed considering the fact that it takes place under trying environmental conditions. Yet we have protests bandhs economic blockades highly irresponsible and communal statements being made by the BJP and the shrine board leaders. If this transfer will in anyway facilitate and improve the yatra, I give it the thumbs up but if it makes no difference then why is such hue and cry being raised do we not have enough to worry about then to indulge in such vociferous arguments over something that will make really no difference whatsoever.

The separatists have started raising slogans of Azad Kashmir and I wouldn’t blame them. Indian and Pakistan gained independence in 1947 but has Kashmir ever been independent? From the time the Shah of Kashmir acceded to India, Kashmir I must say has been literally under the rule of the army. Three wars have been fought over Kashmir ,it has been divided into three parts and there is still no freedom.

It’s been 61 years now and any government with a real commitment to solve this issue would have long done so. We have seen what 4 years of real good Vajpayee diplomacy could do but now the very same BJP has undone all its efforts and has managed to do what the separatists couldn’t mange to do in all these years’. It’s sad our politicians are so short sighted and just focus on short term electoral gains. Our home minister has been sleeping through all this conflict there is absolutely no will displayed to come up with any solution, all party meets are being convened but no solutions are coming out of these meetings. Is it so difficult to come up with a solution to the problem?

Possible solutions to the existing crisis

1) Regarding the land transfer issue stick to the high court order and issue licenses to the shrine board to use the land for the duration of the yatra

2) Eliminate the use of force in the valley. Maintain a heavy police force. Use water pipes tear gas shells rubber bullets before actually firing on people. Killing some one should be the last resort. The police action of firing on protestors reminds me of General Dyer and the Jallianwala Baug massacre. Are we trying to emulate the great general Dyer?

3) Open up the trade routes to PoK do everything needed on our side and throw the ball in Pakistan’s court. Make an extra effort to ensure that there is no economic blockade or even a perception of one use the media if needed.

4) Make the place secure, the security force personnel should be present like an invisible silent force making the place secure and facilitating the peaceful living of the people not being the very reason why this can’t happen. Our forces risk their lives fighting for the country they should be loved but why is the government portraying such villainous images of them through their policies and lack of communication and lack of political foresight.

I earnestly and sincerely hope this issue is resolved at the earliest.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Trust Vote -22nd July

Well i must say the trust vote on the 22nd kept me glued to the television all day long . Thank god i sit in a corner in office where nobody can see my PC and thank god for internet and live webcasts :)

What a day it was . I am happy that the UPA won . Lest we be left with the feeling of what if ..... i am hoping the nuclear deal provide us with an opportunity to resolve our energy woes and provides a strong foundation to build a bigger and better India.

The highlight of the day was Lalu Prasads speech i really don't know how he does it but he had everybody in splits even the people he was mocking and making fun of . Rahul started of well unfortunately there were a lot of interruptions and the impact of the speech was lost i guess he should take a leaf out of the book of Omar Abdulla who gave a stirring speech amidst the noise the opposition was making and totally drove his point home. The Prime Minister unfortunately couldn't give his speech , I have just gone through the text of his speech it has explosive material he has totally come into his own and takes on the mighty LEFT and the great Advani.

Not forgetting the cash scandal total madness , i couldn't actually believe Advani actually telling the media that he asked them to go to the parliament . If anything constructive was to be achieved they would have gone to the police filed a complaint or gone and lodged complaint with the speaker. Coming to the house and waving money just created tamasha and disrupted the proceedings of a great debate . I am sure it was just to create a poll issue and start off their poll campaign. It is very hypocritical of the opposition to do this and claim to be saints when the same is being indulged in by them at every given opportunity. I guess in this respect the only people that can hold the moral high ground are the LEFT leaders

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Indo-US Nuclear Deal

The Indo-US nuclear deal has indeed been at the center of Indian politics for a long time. The LEFT party has stuck to its rhetoric so has the Congress and the alliance is finally heading for a break up.

What puzzles me so much is how can the LEFT party just oppose something because it is against its ideological beliefs. Are parties in power to impose their ideologies or to provide effective and efficient governance and bring in what is best for the country?

There are pros and cons in every deal and what is called for is not blind faith but intelligent discussion in arriving at a solution that sees us gain the most. Nothing comes free in this world and I understand that there will be a price to pay for everything. It is left upon the buyer to bargain and secure the best possible outcome he can get.

It is a well known fact that India is facing an energy crisis and the civilian nuclear deal may provide the much needed thrust to fuel our growth in the light of the sky rocketing fuel prices and inflation. It is also understood that this deal may come at a price of foreign policy compromises but to what extent and what are the repercussions is something to be discussed and debated upon before arriving at a consensus of whether it is still worth.

I wonder if anybody is listening to our Prime Minister all he asks for is to be able to go to the IAEA and the NSG and on getting clearance from both he will place the deal before the parliament to be discussed and debated and will abide by the decision of the house. If at the end of discussion it dawns upon us that the price is too high to pay then so be it let us scrap the deal. But to hold a government to ransom just because you feel something is not good is just not right.

If the LEFT party has apprehensions regarding the deal it should indulge in dialogue and try to address their apprehensions. We have renowned scientists and foreign affairs experts to consult and get our worries addressed but no the LEFT party just chooses to adopt the “I know what is best” approach which is ridiculous and gives one the impression of being very dictatorial.

The Congress on the other hand chooses to address the issue via backdoor political deals and big press conferences with their spokespersons sticking to their rhetoric claims. Where is the dialogue? Where is the research? Where is the proof?

The opposition has raised valid claims on the future of our foreign policies and the autonomy of our nuclear test program but instead of addressing the oppositions concerns by calling for a dialogues and presenting them with research and proof the Congress prefers to make “nothing will be affected” statements which you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to say that it is absolutely rubbish as nothing comes free in this world there will obviously be a price to pay. The question to be answered is, is it worth it? And that will only be answered when all parties put their differences aside and sit down at one table along with all the experts and discuss the issue to come up with the best possible solution. The sad part is this will never happen as all our politicians are concerned with is short term gains and the next elections.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Days in England

England has been my home for the past nine months. I arrived at a time when the winter was just setting in and coming from hot and humid Mumbai boy was I in for a surprise. With the constantly decreasing temperatures and the chilling winds;
Walking home from work one day I guess I finally truly understood the meaning of the often read phrase "It was a cold windy night".

The first town I saw in England after settling in at the apartment was a place on the way to the city. With movies being my only window to the western world i expected to see skyscrapers bustling streets but no Lo and behold before my eyes I see a purely Asian town with sign boards in Asian languages people roaming around in traditional Asian attire. I pinched my self in disbelief but there it was in front of my eyes. Could this really be true? But it actually was. The immigrant population has indeed grown at such a rapid phase .With no moderation being exercised in the past England is facing this huge migrant crisis today which is practically dividing the country and inciting increasing violence. I finally made to the city center and there my movie world lay before my eyes :).

The beautiful English country side is indeed a haven for nature lovers. The castles the museums the beaches the pubs the clubs :) there are loads of things one can do here with your only enemy being the merry old English weather or should I say depressing. It will be bright and sunny in the morning and before you know it would have started pouring in the evening and you think you have had enough bad weather for one day roll over the evening and ta da the chilly cold wind greets you .Talk about unpredictability :)

I met my college friends Nikhil and Cliff here in England after a really long time and we did have some fun weekend outings. Cliff defeating us in record times at the pool games at Riley’s became a tradition the guy used to literally tear us apart. But the actual fun came watching Cliff when Nikhil and I played against each other, the games used to never end, I for one am horrible at pool and used to hit the worst shots :) Cliff was left literally pulling his hair out.

Home is home after all :) and I am waiting to return to India

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My first blog

I have finally created my own blog ,something i have wanted to do for a long long time .I plan on using this blog as a medium to express my ramblings of my journey through life.